Gipher App

This web application fetches the gif from and displays it according to user need and the user can take action according to options in the application.

Slot Booking App

This web application is developed for the user to book their respective slot for the available time listed on the website.

Traffic Surveillance and Monitoring

Road safety has been a major concern since news about the road accidents validating the inefficiency of current surveillance systems. To overcome this, an Automated System is preferable which also takes immediate action upon violation of rules or anomaly activities. The Effective solution deals with training ML models and monitoring with AI developer kit. The purpose of AI-based traffic monitoring which will take live video as input and analyze it to acquire information about live traffic. The details of the vehicle’s certain activity in traffic are displayed in a mobile app.

Cloud Attendance Monitoring

By using machine learning and computer vision libraries design a model to detect the candidate's face and store the candidate's name and time of detection in AWS s3.

Object Detection App

Simple and classic mobile app for users to see about which class of image is detected. This app used for authenticated users to view the object detected name from the targeted camera example webcam, pi cam. Google Firebase is used as an app backend that stores the data received from the detection model, here the transfer learning inception model is used. Android Studio is used for app development.